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"Imperfection" - new exhibition in Lipowa 3 Gallery
In May 2018, at the Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, workshops were held as part of the International Project Glass Art Workshop Wrocław 2018 event, which brought together a dozen or so lecturers and students from Poland, the Czech Republic and the USA. For over a week, the artists were preparing artistic works related to the topic of ‘imperfection’ in its broad sense. The material of their artistic creations was glass, shaped using smelting methods, with the use of a gas burner, and then processed using the ‘cold working’ process (grinding, sandblasting). The effects of these artistic and research activities could be admired so far only by the inhabitants of Wrocław. The exhibition in the Lipowa 3 Gallery will allow us to present the original artistic glass works to the public in Krakow..
Aleksandra Skorek
manager of the Glass and Ceramics Centre
IMPERFECTION as the main motto of the workshop activities and at the same time the title of the exhibition, in the meeting with the material which we have worked with – glass – opened up a large space for exploration and interpretation. We wanted to direct the attention towards the aspect of imperfection in relation to human nature, to the place where we mutually accept the process.
participants of the exhibition
Participants of the exhibition:
Uniwersytet Techniczny w Libercu (CZ): prof. Oldrich Pliva, Nikol Rydlova
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. J. Matejki w Krakowie (PL): as. Michał Dziekan, as. Monika Rościszewska, Karolina Cygnar, Elżbieta Urban
Instytutu Wzornictwa Politechniki Koszalińskiej (PL): as. Piotr Stramski, Aleksandra Chroł, Hanna Kowalska
Ball State University, College of Art (USA): Veronica Debone, Megan Lange, Megan Sotton, Dan King, Summer Moore
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. E. Gepperta we Wrocławiu Wrocław (PL): as. Agnieszka Bar, as. Magdalena Wodarczyk, as. Justyna Żak, as. Marzena Krzemińska-Baluch, Elżbieta Dudziak, Joanna Bujak.